
本机 & 土著学生支持计划的存在是为了:

  • 为学生提供资源和支持,包括推荐合适的校园合作伙伴, 项目, 和办公室.
  • 计划并执行需求评估,以帮助告知实践, 项目, 以及从文化意识的角度建立以学生为中心的节目的政策.
  • 与校园领导和合作伙伴合作, 参与项目开发, 协调, 和评估.
  • 加强与原住民校园和社区成员的关系.
  • 培养一个本地人 & 2023年春季成立土著社区顾问委员会, 由内部和外部社区成员组成.

土著 & 土著居民补助金

Click the link below to be directed to be directed to the page on 密歇根州立大学丹佛’s 金融援助 website that outlines the details and eligibility for the grant, 以及认证过程的链接.

编程 & 事件


丹佛大都会州立大学坐落在夏安族祖先的土地上, 阿拉帕霍, 苏族, 和尤特人, 所有这些人仍然与这片土地保持着持续的关系. One of the ways we fight the erasure of 土著 peoples is by recognizing the history that brought settlers, 无论是自愿的还是曾经被奴役的, 占领这片土地. 在这里, 这段历史就是1858年和1859年的科罗拉多淘金热, where settlements like Auraria and 丹佛 as well as other land grabs for gold mining that devastated the land and interrupted 乌特 and Cheyenne ways of living. 在接下来的20年和接下来的20年里,他们争先恐后地从地下开采白银, 夏延族和尤特族被迫离开这个地区, 他们的家园. 通过了解这段历史, we can better understand our place within it and seek to be in the right relationship with the people who were here before us, 还有皇冠官网网站的土地, 太, 必须管理皇冠官网网站的工作吗.

为表彰11月的土著文化遗产月, 与当地组织合作的土著学生联盟, 公平与学生成就中心(CESA), 多元文化参与与包容中心(CMEI), 科罗拉多大学丹佛身份与包容中心(CII), will be hosting a variety of events to educate the campus on issues that are pertinent to the 本地的 土著 communities. It is especially important to understand that 本地的 土著 communities still exist and with your support, 他们的声音可以被集中听到. 加入皇冠官网网站, to dispel preconceived notions of indigeneity and to better understand indigenous intersectional identities.



请与皇冠官网网站一起观看“烟雾信号”, 1998年由谢尔曼·阿列克谢执导的成人喜剧电影, 改编自阿列克谢的短篇小说集 《皇冠官网网站》和《皇冠官网网站》 (1993). 这部电影赢得了多个奖项和荣誉,并在众多电影节上受到好评.

提供爆米花、什锦果仁、热巧克力、茶等.  欢迎大家!


11月1日星期三上午11:30.m. – 2 p.m.

本地的 土著 Heritage Month Kick-Off: Understanding the Indian Child Welfare Act Supreme Court Decision

We would like to invite you to a thought-provoking and engaging panel discussion hosted by 多元文化参与与包容中心(CMEI), in collaboration with 公平与学生成就中心 (CESA) and The University of Colorado 丹佛’s Center for Identity and Inclusion. 加入皇冠官网网站 for an enlightening conversation featuring esteemed guests: Colorado Senator Jesse Danielson, 资深律师丽莎·谢伦伯格, 谢尔顿斑点麋鹿, 受人尊敬的倡导者, 以及社区活动家唐娜·克里斯·约翰.
This insightful panel will delve into the implications of the recent Supreme Court decision concerning the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA). Our distinguished panelists will provide diverse perspectives and expertise on this pivotal legal matter, shedding light on its significance for our communities and the broader landscape of justice and equity.

St. 航空公司的活动中心

11月2日星期四上午11:30.m. – 1 p.m.


午餐 & 学习:长曲棍球的本土起源


Come join the 公平与学生成就中心 and the Lacrosse 体育运动 team for an educational conversation about the history of the sport Lacrosse in collaboration with the lacrosse team at 密歇根州立大学丹佛 and the 土著学生支持计划.


11月6日星期一上午11点.m. – 1 p.m.



Step into the world of cultural discovery and entertainment as the Center for 多元文化的接触 and Inclusion, in collaboration with the 公平与学生成就中心 and the University of Colorado 丹佛’s Center for Identity and Inclusion, 邀请您参加一场令人兴奋的宾果游戏! 和皇冠官网网站一起度过愉快的宾果游戏下午吧, where you’ll not only have fun but also gain a deeper understanding of 本地的 土著 cultures and traditions, 都由迷人的水牛芭比主持.




水牛芭比, 又名特拉维斯, 是双灵, 他也是美国原住民社区中LGBTQ权利的倡导者. He reigned as 2019’s Miss Montana Two Spirit and used this title as a platform to speak to other 土著 people on the blessing of being a Two-Spirit person. The term “Two Spirit” derives from traditional philosophies of gender-defined spaces: a male and female universe, 雄雨和雌雨, 天空之父和大地之母, 等. It is believed that among these spaces some people are born with the gift of walking between both these identities and offering value of both worlds.

土著电影之夜:拉科塔国家vs. 美国

请和皇冠官网网站一起观看“拉科塔国家vs. 美国“.


一个挑衅, 视觉上的震撼证明了这片土地和一个在迁移中幸存下来的人, 剥削和种族灭绝——他们最好的日子还没有到来.

提供爆米花、什锦果仁、热巧克力、茶等.  欢迎大家!


11月29日,星期三:上午11:30.m. – 2 p.m.


请加入多元文化参与与包容中心, 公平与学生成就中心, and The University of Colorado – 丹佛’s Center for Identity and Inclusion for an educational discussion on the Sand Creek Massacre with Sand Creek Massacre descendant Greg Spottedbird-Lamebull.



Greg Spottedbird-Lamebull is a member of the Cheyenne and 阿拉帕霍 Tribes of Oklahoma and comes from Suhtai descendance of Montana.  He is a ceremonial Priest and 土著 Studies teacher at the Sovereign Community School in Oklahoma City.  He is also an educator and spiritual leader and has served as the Cheyenne and 阿拉帕霍 Tribes 文化 and Heritage Program representative, 传统而不是上瘾项目的组织者, 沙溪大屠杀精神治疗跑协调员, 也是俄克拉何马州夏安族和阿拉帕霍族部落的外联专家.

土地 & 劳动承认

密歇根州立大学丹佛 acknowledges the indigenous people and land of Auraria and the broader 丹佛 area and the labor of enslaved and exploited people that built the country.

We honor and acknowledge that we are on the traditional territories and ancestral homelands of the Cheyenne and 阿拉帕霍e Nations. 皇冠官网网站感谢这个空间的土地和历史,今天皇冠官网网站有幸聚集在这里. 这个地区也是贸易的场所, 狩猎, 收集, 并治愈了许多其他土著民族:拉科塔人, 乌特, 基奥瓦人, 科曼奇族, Apache, 休休尼人, 和其他人. 48个部落称这片土地为家. 皇冠官网网站承认土著人民是这片土地的原始主人, 水, 植物, 还有把这里称为家的动物.

Let us also acknowledge the painful history of genocide and forced removal from this territory. 皇冠官网网站认识到.S. 公共政策被用来取代土著社区, 侵蚀部落国家主权, 强行把土著人同化进美国.S. 社会. We respect the many diverse 土著 peoples still connected to this land on which we gather. We pay our respect to them and give thanks to all Tribal Nations and the ancestors of this place.

We also acknowledge the labor of enslaved Africans and their descendants who worked this stolen land for the colonists, 他们继续面临着不成比例的经济压迫, 种族歧视, 暴力, 和剥削.

最后, we want to recognize the communities and families of Auraria displaced by the creation of this campus for 密歇根州立大学丹佛 to have a place that we now call home. We share this acknowledgment to encourage all of us here on the Auraria campus to consider how our work in this space and in our daily lives can address these historic and contemporary atrocities perpetuated against 本地的 people and other marginalized communities.





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